Saturday, February 9, 2008

5 things you don't do on a cold delhi morning:

--listen to Fuzon's 'Akho ke Sagar' it might seem bland to bite into the insane chill that permeates every nook and cranny on the walls and window panes

--take up philanthrophy; it might hurt to even think you can't run that extra mile to bring a smile on someone's face. I mean how do you run, when you can barely walk?

--eat super spicy sambar and then have a friend offer a hanky to wipe off the errr...streaming down your nose. Ok, you are free to make exotic noises to express your disgust on the 'nose debacle'

--read Media laws sitting amidst people gurgling English dictionary words and looking at you suspiciously as you furiously take notes. Those looks are chilly, seriously...

--take a cup of roadside shoup served with a half tooth grin, a ladel dripping with sticky somethings, and a dose of 'yeh dilli ki speacale soup hain madam.....pijiye phir batana....' What butterflies I feel flies in the stomach........Eweeepsesh! Skkpikt!