Monday, April 22, 2019

Meanderings of a hopeful mind

Sometimes i wonder would it be nice to have a little breather
Those crimson skies, those warm hues, those rolling meadows and golden groves
Sunlight through the leavy cracks of sturdy mighty branches, the sounds of laughter of children laughing till far and beyond the grasslands
That picnic basket ripe with all the latest produce from the farmers market, the happy family strapped and saddled into their hatchback for their newest meanderings
The sound of grandpa shedding those tears of utter joy on the telephone, grandma talking about the newest bun in the oven while papa and mumma tell them how much life has given them in the shape of this little bundling
The dog flapping it's jumbo ears and salivating to the newly baked bread, the birds chirping in the backyard and making that familiar sound they do when they meet their kindred
That is the warm glow I seek, I find, I lose, I imagine, I dream.... that is the day I carry with myself in my head when all else looks dreary and frightening...

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